The blog was the first thing that came to my mind this morning. There are lots of thoughts going through my head today, like how to have fun without having to spend a whole lot. A day at town with the girls can really burn a whole in your wallet. Don't get me wrong I looooove hanging out and chatting especially over a cup of Chillacup hot minty cocoa goodness, and can do it every night, but you have to admit that the mall and city scene does get a bit old after a while. Not to mention all those calories from the constant munching when you're out.
The other day, the Aqar team spent a day at Taman Botani Putrajaya, which was I found extremely enjoyable. We rented bicycles and burnt hundreds (i hope) calories cycling uphill, and since the park is so lovely we ended up taking gorgeous pictures along the way. We also used it as an opportunity to model, (not really modelling, sort of trying out) the new shawls that we're now selling. I have to admit they were quite comfortable to wear, because of the size we didn't have to worry about anything being caught by the wind and blowing all the way up, and because they are extremely light it was very cool. By the way we were cycling at midday, so it was keeping cool was important haha.
That was at the Moroccan Pavilion which was located at the far end of the park. It has an entry fee and I wish I could share some of the pics from inside but unfortunately no cameras were allowed! But that door was just awesome. It made us feel like we were entering a palace of some sorts. Beautiful things have powers to make thing seem magical, even doors.
This area was really pretty, but we couldn't ride our bikes here, as you can see we left them at the back. We actually changed from the hijabs we were wearing to these that we had on in the pic there too, which took a but of twisting and turning to make sure nobody saw us,but it was quite easy because of the size of the hijab, which is really a lovely size which makes adjusting and styling so easy. They are up on our facebook page now if anyone is interested for purchasing. Free shipping so snap it up ladies!
Our friend and sister who joined us for the day, Looking lovely in purple <3 nbsp="" p="">
I love the colour against her skin tone. It makes her look rosy.
That's me by the way. Hafsah's my name in case you didn't know :p
And lastly a make up look I absoloutely LOVE. Though I don't know where I can wear this look. It's really glamorous and glittery and all things attention grabbing. Here's the video tutorial. And do subscribe to her, she's an awesome make-up artist.
For my next blog post, i'll try to recreate the look and show post a picture to show you guys how it comes out. And just a reminder if you want a certain look done on you for your makeup, just mail us a picture prior. It makes it a whole lot easier.
Take care and Lot's of Love.
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